Welcome to our FAQ page!

Here are a few of the more commonly asked questions we receive. If your question isn’t answered by one of these, please get in touch!

  • Where are the Spicy shops located?

We have two convenient locations, one is located in the Rainbow building (main taxi and bus loop) in Main Village and one at the base of Blackcomb (Upper Village) in Le Chamois Hotel. Please see locations.

  • Can I store my daytime shoes while I ski?

We have very limited space for shoe storage. Please only store your shoes on the first and last day of your rental.

  • Where can I pick up Reserved Equipment?

You can pick up your equipment from either of our stores. See our location map for further details.

  • Can I shared a ski/Snowboard package?

A ski or snowboard package is for one person. It cannot be shared between multiple people.

  • Can I rent Ski Clothing?

The answer is Yes, Spicy carries a selection of breathable, waterproof winter outer wear! We rent adult and child size outer wear.

  • Can I switch equipment?

Absolutely, we actually encourage it at no additional charge! Switch between skis and snowboards or upgrade to a performance ride anytime.

  • Can I switch sports?

Switching Sports ex. Ski to Snowboard and vice versa will be free the first time. Switching back to the original booked item will be free. Once you have switch more than twice we will charge a set up fee of $10.00 CAD.

  • Do you offer group rates?

We offer discounts on groups of 10 or more! Please contact us for more information.

  • Can I pick-up my equipment the night before?

Guests can pick-up their rental equipment the evening before the first day of skiing. Anytime between 2.00pm and 5.30pm.

  • What are your hours of operation?

Our hours change depending on the season and whether it is Peak or Shoulder Season. Please check out Google profile for up to date hours. Here are our typical opening hours:

    • Winter Peak Season 8am - 6pm (Nov 22nd - April 28th)
    • Winter Shoulder Season 9am - 6pm
    • Summer Season 9am - 6pm


  • How am I eligible for Kids Rent Free?

For every adult, one kid will be able to rent for free.

Note: Kids rent free will be available during checkout as an Add-on item.

Example: Guest book one adult package, one kid will be able to rent one kids package for Free.

  • When does the early bird promo end?

Our 35% off discount and Kids rent free will be valid till November 15th 2024

  • Is Kids High Performance a part of the Kids Rent Free Promo

Kids Rent Free is only offered for kids Sports equipment, either Skis or Snowboard.